Sunday, April 14, 2013

Think Pink

I always like to try to accomplish some sort of DIY project on Sundays. No matter how small, it just seems like the perfect day to spruce up my home (or anything in it).
Lately, I've been reorganizing my kitchen into repurposed jars and containers. I've employed the use of mismatched mason jars and pretty empty candle glasses.
Today, after using the last of a can of coffee, I thought I could brighten up the can with a cheerful coat of paint. Voila! Airtight storage container with a lid. (Or, sans lid, a cute vase for some fresh flowers).
In keeping with my pink theme, I pulled out a vintage pale yellow sweater I haven't worn since it acquired a stain (I have such a bad track record with light colored clothing!) and gave it a quick bath in some pink iDye. Two pink projects in one morning! Not too shabby :)

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