Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Time Flies

Sometimes I feel as if I have blinked and the past week, or month, or six months, or two years, have just flown away. I have to remind myself to stop and notice today. Get up to watch a sunrise. Buy yourself a flower (or a lot of flowers). Go for a walk. Watch an old black and white film. Look through photo albums (real ones). Paint something. Fly a kite.

I apologize for not posting in the past week, but I was both frantically busy AND feeling a bit under the weather. Luckily, all is (mostly) back to normal, and I feel like this is a good time to stop, breathe, relax, and notice the small things today. 


  1. Glad to hear your feeling better! I hope you enjoy all sorts of lovely little things today!

    Ladyface Blog

  2. I hope everything is going well for you! :D Take your time to relax before coming back full force again! :D

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    cassandra xx

  3. Glad to hear that you're starting to feel better :)

    xo Kisty
    The Style Mermaid


I love to read all of your comments! Thanks so much!! <3