Wednesday, July 17, 2013


I've posted before about the Broadway French Market, where I stop by each Tuesday and Friday on my lunch break to pick up amazing local produce and eats. 
This Tuesday's haul brought Romanesco cauliflower, fresh onions, a beautiful bunch of radishes, and a stunning head of purple cabbage. 
Thanks to a few of my favorite spices and seasonings, they all came together into a wonderful meal. 
Knowing that I've made something delicious from fresh, local, organic produce makes me feel great before I even eat it. 
Find a farmers market! Go local! Go fresh!!


  1. Fresh food ... the best thing in the world :D ! xx

  2. I LOVE the farmers market! I try to go each Sunday in the summer. Your farmers market haul looks delicious. Isn't Romanesco the coolest?

    Ladyface Blog

    1. It is!!! And I love that the one near my office is twice a week... keeps my kitchen stocked with fresh goodies all week long :)

    2. Twice a week and right by work? That's like a dream come true!


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