Friday, October 24, 2014

TGIF & Weekly Scenes

It's starting to really look like fall here
I've been spoiled with breakfast in bed... can't wait for Sunday!
Back in the kitchen, making lots of veggie-laden soups for lunch
My first attempt at cacciatore
 It's been a whirlwind week. With the prospect of a new job on the horizon, I'm in the middle of a mad dash to get a visa and a background check (because the job is at a school). Needless to say, I'm ready for the weekend to be here so we can relax a little bit. But not tomorrow - we're helping my brother-in-law and his fiance move into their brand new house! Exciting, but I bet we'll all be a bit sore on Sunday.

Today is only day 3 of my 30 Day Candid Photo Challenge - and I've already sort of failed miserably. I forgot to post anything yesterday. Whoops. Life, you know? But I'll keep at it and post twice as much today. Don't forget to join in - #Disowned30Days on Instagram, and don't forget to follow me @disownedclothing!

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. I'm pretty jealous of your breakfast in bed ;) x

  2. Looks like a good week. Good luck with the job!!


I love to read all of your comments! Thanks so much!! <3